About me

My name is Serhii. You can also spell it as Sergey or Sergei if you'd like — I don't mind.
I was born in 1989 in Crimea, Ukraine. Back then, Crimea was mostly known for its nature — beautiful Crimean Mountains and Black Sea coast. So, it was only natural that my fascination with landscapes started over there, and so did my first, naive attempts at photographing it.
In 2015, I moved to Germany — right into the capital city of Berlin. For some time, it seemed like landscape photography would now be a rare pastime that would require traveling far away. But very soon, I fell in love with the local nature - mighty beech forests and tranquil lakes of Barnim and Uckermark, marshes of Spreewald, calm rural sceneries of Hoher Fläming. A little bit further away, the mountains of Harz and chalk cliffs of Jasmund provided landscapes so similar to the ones I grew up around, yet at the same time, providing their own unique charm.
So, even when traveling far away could be a fun and enriching experience, sometimes beauty can be found just around a corner, even if you are living in a huge metropolitan area like Berlin. Today, this is what I mainly want to show with my photography. You can see some of my favorite photos in the gallery and if you'd like to get in touch, you can use my contact page. I am also occasionally active on Instagram.