Serhii Tatarintsev Photography

Two dead trees, cowered in snow and hoarfrost, reaching the branches owt to each other, given the appearence of a gate.
Gates of Winter
Gnarly bare oak tree leaning over a fallen pine tree. Bright light peeking through the mist in the background.
A bare tree, shot on a very foggy winter day, covered in frost. Large rocks and a freshly falled snow in the foreground.
In the foreground, there is a yellow canola field. Behind it, there is a hill with green trees and bushes, from which one can see an old wooden windmill. There is a beatiful sunset in the sky - sky itself is blue and the clouds are bright orange.
Thin beech tree grows on a small island in river. It stem grows almost horizontally and then knacks in the middle and reaches upwards. Scene is framed from the both sides by old dead beech trees. In the background, there is a thick beech woodland.
View on a Lauterbrunnen valley fom above. Town surrounded by the tall mountains and huge waterfalls. Mountains are softly lit by a setting sun. In the forground there is a green field with some late summer flowers blooming.
Old beech tree with a hollow at the top and reaching out branch on the right, giving the impression of a mythical hooded figure
A closeup macro shot of mushroom gills with a bright warm light eminating from the center.
Old small hotel stands on the shore of the lake. It is surrounded by thick woodland. Above, there is a beatifyl firely-red sunset sky. Sky, hotel and the trees are reflecting in the lake.
Warm Welcome
In the middle of the picture, there is a single straigt tree. In foreground, there are yellow swirly grasses. Behind the tree, there are some black bushes, followed by different, light pink bushes. Behind them, there are older oak trees with old orange leaves on them. And at the very back, there is a row of green pines.
Layers & Colors
Infrared picture of a old mediaval town wall. There is a wooden door in the wall and a lush ivy grows above it. Due to infrared camera, all vegetation looks pink.
Closup of a wood mushroom head edge with small round tar droplets at the bottom.
Two trees are standing at the bank of the river. Right one is already dressed in bright red autumn leaves. Left one is still green and reaches with it's branches towards the other tree.
Reaching Out
A single tiny house in the bottom left corner surrounded by huge hills and mountains. It dwarfs in comparison to a surrounding landscape.
Beatiful yellow-leaved tree grows on the lake shore. It is thin at the bottom and gets wider and wider towards the top.
Bare beech trees in golden sunset light.
Evening Gold
Thin birch tree on the left bowing before a group of other bircher on the right. Bright orange woodland is in the background.
River flows into background.  Beech trees with gnarly roots grow on the left bank. Further away, there is a tall fallen tree, hanging over the river, from one bank to another. In the back there is a small bridge, surrounded by thick green woodland.
Hanging On
A single dead sprouce tree, surrounded by living green trees on all sides.
Thick autumn forest grows at the edge of a small pond. On ther left, trees are mostly still green. On the right, leaves are already changed in all varietes of autumn color: reds, yellows, some oranges.
Focal point of the image is a dead tree on the left side. Three storks are sitting at the very top. In the background, there is an evening slightly purple sunset sky. In the midground, there is a river. Green reeds are growing on the both banks of the river.
Higher ups
line of trees is in the foreground. Two of them are orange and the rest is green. In the background, there is a mountain slope with a small waterfall flowing down. It's a rainy day. Under the trees, there are two tiny human figures holding pink and blue umbrellas.
Hiding from storm
Shallow and very clear mountain river flows in the foreground. In the back, there is a line of early autumn tree and behind them rise the mountains. Furtherst and tallest ones have snow caps. Godlen morning light slightly touches the peaks, and behind them one can see a sky with a clouds lit by the same yellow morning light.
Sunrise at Trettach
Orange automn tree stands near small openinig in the woodlands. Behind it, there is much larger and thicker woodland, covered in layers of mist.
Gatekeeper of the woods
On the right, theres is a single yellow tree on top of a bare hill. It is surrpounded by smaller hills with a bunch of birch trees growing on them. It is a gloomy day and the sky is grey, but there is a faint glimmer of light right behind the singl tree.
Six tiny mushrooms at the edge of log, slightly tipping towards the right
Rowing Team